We’re not here for the money; we’re here for the results.
Khan-Poor American Charity Corp or K-PAC is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that supports the most vulnerable children of Afghanistan and other countries. The organization will focus on developing and executing programs that will ultimately bring food, vaccinations, and education to children in rural communities. It will help those without the means to travel to the urban areas served by larger charitable organizations. K-PAC will begin its efforts in Afghanistan, where it has developed regional partnerships that will provide food services to rural areas. The organization’s representatives within Afghan communities will identify the rural villages most in need of food distribution and work with local leaders to develop a cooked meal delivery service. K-PAC will ensure that these poor, hungry children receive the nutritional support they need to stay healthy and survive by bringing aid directly into their communities. As it secures additional funding, the organization will incorporate medical care and education. K-PAC will expand its focus to surrounding countries in time, eventually building a global lifeline to children around the world caught in the crossfire of conflict and war.